Четка за масаж на скалпа 137405

7.00 Лв.
Очаквана доставка: 2-5 работни дни
В наличност
  • — При покупка до 99 лв. доставката е 7.99 лв
  • — Доставка до 1-2 работни дни
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The head massage brush relaxes and relaxes, and at the same time improves microcirculation in the head, thanks to which the hair roots are better nourished, the hair becomes healthier, stronger, and grows faster. The brush is perfect for spreading all conditioners and shampoos. The brush is made of transparent plastic. The massage pins are made of flexible material and have rounded ends, thanks to which the massage is gentle and pleasant.

Recommended for the distribution of cosmetics
Light and handy
The massage pins are made of flexible soft material
Takes up little space
It improves microcirculation in the head
Hair becomes healthier and stronger

How to use: Hair should be brushed from the root of the hair to its end. When the brush is at the base of the hair, you should massage the scalp, which will improve the blood supply to the head.
Result: Head massage definitely helps to improve the appearance and condition of the hair.


Четка за масаж на скалпа
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  • Четка за масаж на скалпа
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