Momo is a manufacturer of excellent accessories useful when performing manicures, including dust absorbers and practical supports. Products of this brand are perfect for everyday work. A wide selection of models and practical solutions will satisfy the most demanding users. Irreplaceable...
МаркаMOMO Вид продуктПоставка за ръце за маникюр
21.00 Лв.
Комплект от 60 резервни диска #080 per електрическа пила за пети con disco da 25 mm
МаркаLila Rossa ГамаLima per piedi Вид продуктRicambi per talloni
6.90 Лв.
Momo is a manufacturer of excellent accessories useful when performing manicures, including dust absorbers and practical supports. Products of this brand are perfect for everyday work. A wide selection of models and practical solutions will satisfy the most demanding users. Ergonomics and...
МаркаMOMO Вид продуктПоставка за ръце за маникюр
78.00 Лв.
the omi p1 hoof is manufactured with a specially designed blade, satin finish with polished elements. omi offers the best quality of its products by introducing the latest technology, materials (Japanese cobalt steel) and skillful workmanship by highly experienced craftsmen. Omi's...


Omi pro-line
МаркаOMI ГамаOmi pro-line Вид продуктИнструмент за кожички и нокти
20.00 Лв.
nghia export professional cuticle nippers C-07 (size 14) professional surgical stainless steel cuticle nippers with double-sided and spring, designed for precise cuticle cutting. available in jaw sizes 12 (4mm), 14 (5mm), 16 (6mm). with the methods of joining) the pliers ensure...


Nghia Export
МаркаNGHIA ГамаNghia Export Вид продуктKлещи за кожички и нокти
43.00 Лв.
professional manicure support # 1 is a classic palm rest. the upholstery is made of eco-leather and the legs are made of chrome-plated steel. the appropriate height of the support ensures a comfortable position for both the client and the stylist. the stylist does not slouch and holds...
МаркаACTIVESHOP Вид продуктПоставка за ръце за маникюр
49.00 Лв.
kopytko do manicure / pedicure nghia export p-08 the tool is used to wipe the epidermis and to precisely remove cuticles, membranes and remains of gel and acrylic from the plate and nail. - made of polished stainless steel, used for the production of surgical instruments - has two...


Nghia Export
МаркаNGHIA ГамаNghia Export Вид продуктИнструмент за кожички и нокти
18.00 Лв.
Комплект от 60 резервни диска #240 per електрическа пила за пети con disco da 25 mm
МаркаLila Rossa ГамаLima per piedi Вид продуктRicambi per talloni
6.90 Лв.
Цветни удължители за нокти press-on, Scarlet & Amelia Gold shimmer 24 броя + Лепило за нокти Удължителите улесняват и спестяват работното време на маникюристите. Те позволяват създаването на удължения по много лесен начин. Те лесно се нансят върху естествения нокът и имат различни...
МаркаSensatioNail ГамаЦветни удължители Вид продуктУдължители за нокти
5.90 Лв.
exo waterproof abrasive cap is an innovative solution that combines a composite cap with an embankment of cosmetic corundum. a professional exo cap is made with the utmost care and the best materials available. the inner element of the cap is a composite that ensures durability and...


Exo Abrasive
МаркаEXO ГамаExo Abrasive Вид продуктШлайф шапки за ел пила
300.00 Лв.
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